Event Details
The event will be hosted by Principal Lawyer Kim O'Reilly and Senior Associate Vivien Botsikas and will feature the following panel of barristers:
- Jenny Firkin QC (Melbourne)
- Rebecca Treston QC (Brisbane)
- Brenda Tronson (Sydney)
Our hosts and guest panellists will discuss a number of topics including:
- statistics in relation to the "Gender Gap"
- issues and obstacles currently faced by female barristers
- initiatives to address these, with a focus on the Equitable Briefing Policy
- the impact of the above and further recommendations
You will have the opportunity to ask your own questions for this webinar by submitting them in advance to Elizabeth Kelly by 5pm AEST on Monday, 14 September 2020. You can also submit questions during the live webinar.
We hope you can join us for what will be an interactive and informative webinar.
- Kim O'Reilly
- Vivien Botsikas
- Jenny Firkin QC (Melbourne)
- Rebecca Treston QC (Brisbane)
- Brenda Tronson (Sydney)