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YP Network Spotlight on Turkey

23 June 2021
This month our YP "spotlight on" feature focuses on our office in Turkey. We interviewed Associate İlkim Velibeyoğlu to find out what it is like to be a young professional in Istanbul. 

1. Please tell us a bit about yourself, your job and where in the world you work.

I am İlkim Velibeyoğlu, an associate in the corporate team at Özkan Gürden Bingöl Attorney Partnership ("OGB") which is based in Istanbul, Turkey. OGB is a full service law practice which includes consultancy and litigation services and has had an exclusive alliance with DWF  since 2018. 

2. What key industries/sectors do you work with? (e.g. energy, insurance, transport, telecommunications

OGB provides consultancy and dispute resolution services to its clients operating in various sectors. These are predominantly finance, capital markets, insurance, construction, information technology, energy, retail and sport. 

My team and I provide consultancy services to our clients on their day-to-day business requirements as well as specific projects. 

3. What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy many aspects of my job, but I mostly enjoy continuously improving myself in different areas of law whilst giving the highest quality of service to our clients from all different sectors. I thoroughly enjoy being part of a wider team, being able to learn from my colleagues and share experiences with other likeminded professionals. 

4. What makes Istanbul unique compared to other locations? 

Istanbul is one of the most cosmopolitan and non-sleeping cities in the world. The city has a rich history and vibrant cultural and social background. This makes Istanbul an ideal place for entrepreneurs to live. The city welcomes professionals from all around the world that are seeking opportunities both professionally and personally. 

5. What piece of advice would you give to a YP looking to work in the OGB Istanbul?

The city boasts many unique qualities, some of which  I have mentioned, however, I believe that any YP choosing to work and live in Istanbul would experience a very culturally and socially vibrant city. I would encourage a YP in Istanbul to try to make the most of every opportunity presented to them and to ensure they explore  this great city as much as possible. 

6. If a YP from another country was coming to visit you, where would you take them?

I would take them to some great  restaurants where they could enjoy the view of the Bosphorus (also known as the Strait of Istanbul) and have a taste of Turkish cuisine. In order to give them a true local experience, I would take them to places we locals prefer to visit instead of the touristic locations. It would be unfair to give just one or two examples, as there are too many to choose from  in Istanbul!

7. If you could work anywhere else in the world, where would it be?

If I had the opportunity or a chance to choose an alternative city to live and work in, I would choose  an active and lively city that is similar to Istanbul. To give a few names, it could be New York, Shanghai or London.

Further Reading