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DWF advises V-RIDIUM Power Group on the renewable energy corporate purchase agreement with T-Mobile Polska

31 May 2022

DWF lawyers in Poland advised V-RIDIUM Power Group on the agreement with T-Mobile Polska for the supply of renewable energy for 15 years.

The agreement with T-Mobile will allow for implementation of renewable energy installations with a total installed capacity of 98 MW, belonging to a joint-venture between KGAL, a German asset management company, and V-RIDIUM Power, a company from the GreenVolt group. Green energy to be supplied from the first quarter of 2023 corresponds to the average annual consumption of 66 thousand households and allows to avoid CO2 emissions at the level of about 145 thousand tons per year.

DWF advisory included drafting and negotiation of transaction terms and conditions. The team involved included: Agnieszka Chylińska, Paulina Stachura, and Karol Lasocki.

On the part of V-RIDIUM the project was led by Edyta Krukowska and Jacek Błądek. Thank you very much for your cooperation on this project and congratulations!

Further Reading