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Harm in Healthcare – a two-part series

Date: 08 February 2021, 16:30
Location: Online webinar
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In 2019 the WHO estimated that globally as many as 4 in 10 patients are harmed in primary and outpatient healthcare and that up to 80% of harm is preventable.

Event Details 

This event will explore over 2 split sessions the latest patient safety theories, how this can inform practice and the experiences of those working in healthcare with presenters from England and the USA.

This international event is of value to everyone involved in the healthcare industry including: practitioners, private and public healthcare facilities, complaint and claims managers, manufacturers, insurers and indemnifiers. It will also be of interest to risk managers, whatever their area of specialism.


Part 1: The Theory of Patient Safety, 8 February 2021 - 16:30 – 17:15

Part 2: Patient Safety in Practice, 9 February 2021 - 16:30 – 17:15


DWF speakers

External speakers

The Theory of Patient Safety, 8 February 2021

  • Professor Suzette Woodward, Patient Safety Specialist will explain the difference between Safety I and Safety II and why we need a new approach.
  • Donna Forsyth, Associate Director Patient Safety will introduce the NHS Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF).
  • Dr Denise Chaffer, Director of Patient Safety and Learning at NHS Resolution will discuss the analysis of their claims data

Patient Safety in Practice, 9 February 2021

  • Dr Denise Chaffer, Director of Patient Safety and Learning at NHS Resolution will explain the challenge of applying learning from claims and measuring the benefits delivered for patients
  • Nikki Centomani, Patient Safety Programme Manager at NW Medicine, USA will discuss dealing with adverse medical events
  • Bridget Zaremba, Healthcare Senior Litigation Specialist at CapSpecialty, USA will explore how clinical errors feed into the claims experience.

RSVP to Part 1

RSVP to Part 2