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Welcome to the Retail, Food & Hospitality Regulatory & EU Updates round-up. Week ending 15 September 2024

17 September 2024
This week’s regulatory developments in order of importance, so you can ensure you're up to date with the latest changes impacting your business. You can also view our Consumer Trends hub 2024!

Our contents this week:

Retail, Food & Hospitality updates

Advertising restrictions for high fat, salt and sugar foods confirmed: The Department of Health and Social care has set out the definitions of the products, businesses and services in scope of the 9:00pm TV watershed and online advertising bans to be included in the final secondary legislationdue in force from 1st October 2025. A further consultation has been launched on application of the controls to internet protocol television services which deliver television and advertising live over the internet with the Government recommending that only the broadcast advertising 9:00pm watershed should apply – Responses are required by 10th October. Secondary legislation >  Sustain > Internet protocol television >

Strategic assessment of food crime published: The Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland have published a strategic assessment of food crime report for 2024 by the National Food Crime Unit and its Scottish equivalent. The report explores seven types of food crime namely theft, waste diversion, substitution, unlawful processing, adulteration, misrepresentation and document fraud with the latter often involved in supporting other types of food crime. Emerging themes include UK economic conditions, geopolitical events and changes to legal frameworks governing the movement of foods across borders.  View >

Microbiological guidelines published for safety assessment of ready to eat foods: The UK Health Security Agency has published very detailed guidelines on the microbiological food safety assessment of ready to eat foods. The updated guidelines include information on the bacteria that cause foodborne disease and those that act as hygiene indicators, on interpretation of test results, comments on poor practices that are likely to have contributed to adverse results and suggest public health actions. The guidelines do not take precedence over microbiological criteria set out in UK legislation but aim to be consistent with and complement legally enforceable standards as well as providing an indication of the microbiological safety of foods where other standards do not exit or are not comprehensive. View >

Bill to clarify the legal status of crypto currencies published: The Ministry of Justice has introduced the Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill, to Parliament with the aim of ensuring that digital holdings including cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens such as digital art, and carbon credits can be considered as personal property under the law. View >

EU updates

Updated guidance issued on labelling under NI Retail movement scheme: DEFRA Has issued revised guidance dealing with various ice cream products and whether the new labelling requirements apply to them from phase 2 (1st October 2024) or phase 3 (1st July 2025). Ice creams made solely from dairy products, stabilisers and flavourings fall under phase 2. Ice creams that are a mix of dairy products and plant products not used for flavouring (such as oils) fall under phase 3.View >

EU Regulations:

European Food Safety Authority opinions:

  • On risk assessment for pesticide Bacillus velzensis. View >
  • On safety of Curdlan as a food additive:  View >

Developments to watch

DEFRA: Publish update on expanding bluetongue outbreak:

Restricted zone in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, part of Greater London Eat and part of Kent > Extended Temporary Control Zone East Riding of Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire >

Competition and Markets Authority: Extend deadline for responses to consultation on its consumer enforcement guidance and rules. Responses required by 18th September. View >

Association of Convenience Stores: Call in budget submission for ring fencing of vaping product levies for enforcement. View >

Prime Minister and Home Office: Launch partnership initiative to tackle knife crime. View >

Northern Ireland Executive: Consult on draft programme for Government. Responses required by 4th November. View >

For your information

Non-food product safety alerts: Office for Product Safety and Standards >EU Safety Gate >US Consumer Product Safety Commission >

Cabinet Office: Publish list of Government Ministers and their portfolios.  View >

Cabinet Office: Announce the appointment of Sir Michael Barber as special advisor to the Prime Minister. View >

Gambling Commission: Publish annual report for 2023/4.View >

British Retail Consortium: Publish budget submission to Chancellor. View >

Department for Business and Trade: Secretary of State provides update to British Chambers of Commerce business council. View >

Consumer Trends hub 2024
What does the future hold for the sector?

Further Reading