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Alberto Lorente

Associate, Barcelona

Alberto has extensive and in-depth experience providing legal advice to entrepreneurs and investors in the negotiation and formalisation of agreements and strategic alliances, always in connection with innovative and disruptive projects.
Alberto Llorente 768x510


Within his practice area, he regularly advises on M&A transactions, funding rounds, company and asset sale and purchase transactions, restructuring transactions, and joint ventures.

In addition, Alberto has vast experience in corporate law, Fintech, contract law, and in the field of the protection of the legal ownership of intangible assets and agreements for the assignment of intellectual and industrial property rights, mainly software licences and business projects based on artificial intelligence.


  • Secretary of the Board of Directors of technological companies.
  • Speaker in courses and at conferences on entrepreneurship, M&A procedures, Fintech, incentive plans, and intangible asset protection.