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Eugene Tang

Pupil Barrister, London

Eugene is a Pupil Barrister with expertise in a wide range of civil matters including bankruptcy, consumer credit, housing, and personal injury.
Eugene Tang


Eugene joined DWF Chambers as a Pupil Barrister in September 2024. He completed the Bar Vocational Studies with Distinction at City Law School and was called to the Bar in 2021. Prior to commencing pupillage, Eugene spent 2 ½ years working as paralegal to the Infected Blood Inquiry, where he worked closely with Counsels to investigate the ‘largest treatment disaster in NHS history’. Alongside his Inquiry role, Eugene has attended over 100 county court hearings as a self-employed advocate, gaining experience in a wide range of civil matters including bankruptcy, consumer credit, housing, and personal injury.

Eugene has a strong interest in injury-related matters having obtained Distinctions in both his Honours BSc in Psychology and Neuroscience and MSc in Clinical Neuroscience. He received the ‘Henderson Chambers Prize’ for his LLM dissertation discussing the role of mediation in clinical negligence claims involving the NHS. 

Eugene is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and an accredited mediator.