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Hannah Ritchie

Advocate, London

Hannah joined DWF Chambers in August 2024. Hannah specialises in commercial litigation, civil matters, and advocacy, with a focus on small claim trials, insolvency proceedings, procedural applications, and commercial disputes. She also has expertise in real estate litigation, contentious probate, and personal injury cases, particularly in relation to quantum analysis and damages.
Hannah Ritchie


Hannah joined DWF Chambers in August 2024 and welcomes instructions on small claim trials in relation to both liability and quantum, insolvency proceedings, procedural/interlocutory applications and commercial disputes. Hannah was Called to the Bar in 2022 and completed the Bar Vocational Course with LLM with a Merit. Hannah was awarded a First-Class Honours in Law LLB and graduated second in her year.

Prior to joining DWF, Hannah acquired experience handling a wide range of commercial litigation matters as a paralegal at a leading law firm in London. Hannah’s experience included commercial dispute resolution, contentious probate and real estate litigation (including commercial and residential landlord/tenant). Hannah has experience drafting pleadings and applications for such matters and attended Court for small claims, interlocutory applications and CMCs.

Hannah joined DWF with previous advocacy experience as a self-employed advocate. She appeared regularly before District Judges on civil matters across the South-Eastern Circuit. Hannah also was a paralegal to a personal injury silk (with a balanced practice of Claimant and Defendant work) and gained experience with schedules of loss and quantum analysis for damages in personal injury cases.