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Tech and Data Leaders Forum: UK Data Protection Reform – the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

Date: 10 August 2022, 14:00 - 15:00
Location: GoToWebinar
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The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill has been published. It promises significant amendments to the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018, Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations and the UK's approach to data protection more generally. If you would like to know how the changes to UK data protection law could impact your business in the UK and internationally, please join our next Tech and Data Leaders Forum webinar. 

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During the webinar our team of data protection experts will cover topics, such as: 

  • amendments to the governance and operational controls required for data protection management and international transfers; 
  • changes to cookie law requirements; 
  • changes to penalties for direct marketing infringements and other regulator enforcement powers; 
  • restrictions on the rights individuals have to request data subject rights (particularly for data subject access requests (DSARs));
  • requirements for complaints handling by organisations; and
  • the abolition of the Information Commissioner's office.

Find out about these and much more, including our insights as to how to make the proposed changes operationally effective in your organisation – sign up now!


  • Stewart Room, Head of Technology, Media & Communications Sector
  • JP Buckley, Partner & Regional Data Protection & Cyber Security Leader
  • James Drury-Smith, Data Protection & Cyber Security Partner

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