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Webinar: Post-Brexit Public Procurement: The Green Paper Debate

17 February 2021
Public procurement experts from the DWF Public Sector team hosted an interactive discussion focusing on key aspects of the Green Paper and how post-Brexit changes to procurement law are likely to impact organisations in the private and public sector, watch the recording below.

The Cabinet Office Green Paper: Transforming Public Procurement sets out how the Government proposes to "transform" public procurement now the UK is no longer bound by EU law. 

In this webinar we explored the key considerations that public bodies will likely have to make when developing procurement strategies if the proposals in the Green Paper are implemented, including:

  • the consolidation of the Regulations and the impact on public bodies and bidders;
  • changes to procurement procedures and how a compliant process could be structured;
  • the potential impact on the likelihood and conduct of procurement challenges; and
  • how you can prepare for the next steps.

To gain a deeper understanding of the above, watch the recording and access the webinar slide deck via the below below

Click here to watch the webinar


Please direct any further questions on this topics to our public procurement specialists:

Click here to watch the webinar

Further Reading