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Ali Boroumand

Partner // Head of Mining & Minerals, Paris

Ali specialises in domestic and cross border mergers & acquisitions, privatisations and joint ventures with a special emphasis on industrial and mining projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa.
Ali Boroumand 768x510


Ali's specialised expertise in Africa projects and extensive “on-the-ground” knowledge and experience has enabled him to advise multinational companies in the telecommunication, agro-food, energy and natural resources sectors but also international financial institutions and governments such as the African Development Bank and various West African countries. His practice is focused, in particular, on mining projects as well as the infrastructural and energetically aspects of those projects.

Ali's work has led him to consult with major international groups such as Orange, Zain Telecommunications, General Cable Inc., Glencore International PLC, AngloGold Ashanti and Nestlé, as well as junior mining companies in their transactions in Africa.

Publications and Conferences

  • OHADA law: the strengthening of a minority shareholderęs voting rights”, Capital Finance,28 September 2015
  • Speaker Africa CEO Forum 2014, –Ressources naturelles : lęenjeu de la transformation locale”
  • Speaker RDC Mines et Infrastructure Indaba 2013, –R_forme du Code minier de la R_publique
  • D_mocratique du Congo (RDC) et son impact sur lęinvestissement en RDC”


  • IFLR 1000, “Energy & Infrastructure in Sub-saharan Africa – Mining”, 2016
  • IFLR 1000, “Energy & Infrastructure in Sub-saharan Africa – Infrastructure”, 2016
  • Décideurs Stratégie Finance et Droit, “Energy – Oil, gas, mining, natural resources and
  • renewable energy in Africa”, 2016
  • Décideurs Stratégie Finance et Droit, “Energy – Oil, gas, mining and natural resources (France
  • and international)”, 2014 and 2015
  • Décideurs Finances et Droit, “Renewable energy”, 2015 and 2016
  • Décideurs Finances et Droit, “M&A transactions lower than 500 M€”, 2014 and 2015
  • Option Droit & Affaires, “M&A transactions lower than 200 M€”, 2015

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