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The renewables sector is changing rapidly, from funding and legislation through to technology and supply chains. This is driven by growing global demand for energy and technological advancement, coupled with increasing public concern over climate change. Having expert legal counsel can be essential to avoid any issues within these areas.

Understanding the Renewables sector

The substantial reduction in production costs - down 69% over the past decade for large-scale wind projects and 88% for solar, according to the latest study from investment bank Lazard – has allowed renewables to compete at scale with any other source. Overall, according to the International Energy Agency, the share of renewables in global power generation is set to rise from 26% today to 30% in 2024.

The key to this ongoing transformation is the deployment of innovative renewable energy technologies. However, it can be challenging to integrate these technologies into existing policy frameworks and energy systems. In addition, renewable energy players are faced with the challenge of rising policy and regulatory uncertainty, as policy makers try to balance growing demand and the 'net zero' emissions goal. Such uncertainty can affect returns on investment, often leading to incomplete long-term contracts and disputes.

Our Renewables team deliver industry knowledge and expertise

Renewable energy companies need to remain agile and flexible in the constantly evolving industry, ensuring their long-term strategy properly addresses the potential risks. This is why our renewables sector expertise spans across the areas of solar power, wind power, wave and tidal, biomass, energy from waste, waste disposal as well as recycling, combined heat and power plants - and is composed of more than 50 specialists from across the business.

Our team has worked on energy projects and their financing for many years globally, giving us real experience in all aspects of the evolving renewables sector and regulations. We act for four out of the top ten water and waste-water utility companies in England and Wales, as well as for clients across the rest of the globe. Our customers range from start-ups to multi-nationals, from developers and funders to investors, and include electricity and gas suppliers. In short: we act for customers all the way down the supply chain.

DWF is also a member of the Renewable Energy Association (REA), UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) and the UK District Energy Association (UKDEA).

Latest reports and downloads

European New Energy Atlas and Growth Markets report
This report aims to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the status of renewable technologies in key jurisdictions; highlighting where organisations may best focus their efforts in the short to medium term; as well as understanding what factors remain to be developed in other key jurisdictions to lay the foundations for future business opportunities.
Future-proofing solar investments
DWF and Solarplaza assess whether different approaches to structure, standardisation and risk associated with offtake arrangements can enhance the future of solar investments.

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