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Karen B. Angelbeck

Senior Vice President, Chicago

Karen is a Senior Vice President for DWF Claims (USA). She has significant experience with professional liability claims and also provides contract and risk reviews as well as development of new insurance products.
Karen Angelbeck 768x510


Karen focuses on the management and administration of professional liability claims in a number of different segments including architects and engineers, accountants, business evaluators, employment practices, insurance agents & brokers, lawyers, oil and gas, consumer finance, and cyber lines.  Karen began her career in the private practice of commercial litigation in Chicago with a particular focus on employment litigation, corporate tax litigation, and commercial real estate litigation.

During this same time, Karen also was a Hearing Officer for the City of Chicago’s Personnel Board.  Karen engaged in the private practice of law for 11 years before making the transition over to professional liability claims.


  • Member, Illinois Bar since 2004.  Member of the United States Northern District of Illinois Bar.