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12 June 2020
We understand that now is the time for us all to strengthen our commitment to diversity and inclusion, so we act together to stop the stark racial inequalities that persists in all areas of society. We also recognise the impact racial prejudice in society has on the wellbeing of our people and particularly on our Black colleagues given recent events. 
The senseless killing of George Floyd has united the world in the struggle for justice and racial equality. 
Racism, intolerance or violence in any form has no place in society. Within DWF, such behaviour has and always will be contrary to our values, our culture and our sustained commitment to diversity & inclusion. We are clear about our resolve to embed inclusive leadership at every level within our business and to use our collective sense of humanity to ensure we continue to foster a culture that acknowledges the feelings and concerns of those colleagues currently underrepresented within our workforce. 
We understand that now is the time for us all to strengthen our commitment to diversity and inclusion, so we act together to stop the stark racial inequalities that persists in all areas of society. We also recognise the impact racial prejudice in society has on the wellbeing of our people and particularly on our Black colleagues given recent events.

Over the past couple of weeks we have continued to have conversations with our colleagues about their lived experiences, shared anti-racism education and resources and encouraged colleagues to join our Race & Ethnicity Network, asked colleagues to signpost charities that work on racial inequality to the DWF Foundation and our Executive Sponsors on Race & Ethnicity released a blog that has been communicated globally.
It is important to acknowledge that across DWF, we know we are not where we need to be in terms of our BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnicities) representation and inclusion but we have pledged to do more to move the dial and be there for our BAME colleagues, always. Through our leadership and HR policies and practices, we will focus on representation and progression, through our Affinity networks and Executive Sponsors on Race, we will build upon our efforts to compassionately and constructively talk about these matters openly and honestly, finally through our client engagement, we will work collaboratively to tackle racial inequality. 
This is not an issue that will be addressed in one statement or one conversation, we intend to keep the conversation going, not just today, but for as long as it takes to bring about real change.

Further Reading