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DWF advises PGE and Ørsted on lease for future T5 terminal at Port of Gdańsk

10 October 2024

DWF, the global provider of integrated legal and business services, has advised PGE and Ørsted on the signing of a lease agreement for the future T5 terminal in the Port of Gdańsk for the Baltica 2 project.

A joint venture formed by PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A., Ørsted and Istrana has signed a lease agreement for the future T5 terminal in the Port of Gdańsk, which will be used for the storage, pre-assembly and offshore installation of turbine components for the Baltica 2 project. The agreement will enable the construction of one of the most important and modern installation terminals in the Baltic Sea. It will also provide a great opportunity for the development of the domestic supply chain for offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea.

The Project was supervised by Małgorzata Lesiak - Ćwikowska, attorney-at-law, Local Partner from the Real Estate Department, in coordination with Łukasz Gorek, counsel from the Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Department, supported by Marek Jaźwiński and Aleksander Kurpias from the Real Estate Department.

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