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What strategies can you deploy to manage Data Subject Access Requests more effectively?

Date: 31 October 2024, 09:00 - 10:00
Location: Online

This session is designed to provide you with insights into managing Data Subject Access Requests in practice. What can you do to deal with DSARs faster, manage the strain that they place on you and the your organisation's resources and how do you reduce the impact of requests that are designed to disrupt your organisation?

Event details

This session aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge to navigate and tackle the challenges that handling DSARs can introduce and will cover the following topics: 

  • What are the key structural components within your organisation that you should have in place to deal with DSARs?
  • When a DSAR comes in, what are the key considerations to work through to ensure you've made the best possible start?
  • What techniques can you deploy to "minimise" the problem, including the amount of time and resource that you need?
  • What are the exemptions that you can rely on and how should you use them in practice?
  • In what circumstances is it justifiable to request an extension of time to respond?
  • What are the key points to have in mind when undertaking the review of information for disclosure?
  • How do you deal with data subjects who have a wider dispute and/or claim against your organisation?
