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Speak Up policy

Doing the right thing defines who we are as a business. Integrity is essential in everything we do. 

Raising any concerns through the Speak Up Portal pursuant to our Global Policy will help ensure that as a business we act responsibly, and continue to serve our clients, colleagues and communities with the highest standards of honesty and accountability. 

If you have concerns or you're worried about possible wrongdoing within our business, we need to know about it. We are committed to taking concerns seriously, investigating issues promptly and effectively, and reaching a resolution. We are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels encouraged, comfortable, and supported in raising potential concerns.  

You can log an issue, check the status of you report, or access local jurisdictional telephone numbers via the portal. Reports can be made confidentially, and anonymously if you prefer. Click here for our overarching Speak Up Process.

You will not be treated unfairly for reporting genuine issues. Anyone reporting concerns about the following will be protected: a criminal offence such as fraud, theft, anti-competitive behaviour, bribery, corruption or money laundering; a danger to health & safety; risk or damage to the environment; a miscarriage of justice; breaches of legal obligations or someone covering up wrongdoing. We cannot protect anyone who makes a false accusation maliciously or for personal gain.

If you are worried that you may implicate yourself by making a disclosure, please know that your active cooperation in any investigation will be taken into account as part of the outcome, depending upon the scale and seriousness of the issues raised.

Any action we take following an investigation will be fair and proportionate.

Our Global Policy does not apply in France, and you should instead follow our Procédure d'alerte professionnelle.