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Listening to colleagues

Typing on laptop

We have a number of ways that we engage and listen to our colleagues, and mechanisms to measure how successful we are in doing so keep us accountable for making DWF a great place to work.

How we listen to our colleagues

  • Pulse Survey
  • Engaging People Executive (EPE)
  • Employee Forum
  • Fireside Chats
Laptop with charts on screen

Pulse Survey

We regularly measure the engagement level of our teams though a digital questionnaire we refer to as the Pulse Survey. The survey length is short and the questions are simple, but the results provide a powerful indication of engagement health within our business. The results help leaders and managers create plans and focus on making the improvements that matter the most to our colleagues. We are proud that our engagement score shows a consistent positive trend in recent years, indicating our initiatives are providing the inclusiveness we strive to deliver.
Colleagues in a meeting

Engaging People Executive (EPE)

Accountable to our Executive Board, the EPE focuses on our values and culture, high performance, and effective communication. It provides oversight of the people-related activities across the business that promote engagement, productivity, commitment, and discretionary contributions. The EPE is instrumental in addressing issues highlighted by our employee engagement surveys and activities.
Laptop and paper

Employee Forum

Supporting the EPE, the Employee Forum safeguards the effective flow of information through all levels of the business to ensure the input of everyone is taken into consideration. Colleagues can share their ideas or concerns and the business has the chance to consult people on issues that impact the company and gain their commitment to change. The Forum constructively challenges workplace policies and practices, continually looking at ways to improve what we do and how we do it with the sole intention of making DWF a great place to work.
Colleagues and charts

Fireside Chats

We are a large business with the infrastructure and resources that correspond with our status as a global leader in our field. We also have a culture aligned with that of a leading business, where every employee is empowered to share ideas with colleagues across the entire business. Our leadership team host regular fireside chats with employees at all levels to provide an opportunity to share thoughts on the business in general, or on specific policies or initiatives that matter to them.

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