Articles 101 and 102 of the EU Treaty (and their equivalent national rules) prohibit both anti-competitive agreements and concerted practices as well as the abuse of a dominant position. If found guilty of such anti-competitive behaviour companies face fines of up to 10% of their worldwide turnover plus unlimited actions for damages that their trading partners may bring in national courts. In addition, the laws of several EU Member States provide for director disqualifications and criminal liability against individuals for the worst offences thereby increasing the stakes for the non-compliant actor.
DWF offers a full client service in all of the above aspects of competition law across national jurisdictions and at the EU level. This includes advice on the existence of cartels, abuse of dominance, litigation actions (including damages), leniency programmes, individual personal liability questions, antitrust audits, compliance programmes and dawn raid management. We act for clients in investigations (individual or sectoral) by the EU and national authorities and represent complainants and defendants in proceedings before national and EU courts and in arbitration involving EU and national competition law.