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Canal clean up

Date: 15 August 2024, 15:00 - 19:00
Location: Liverpool canal
0731 Group of people768x528

We'd be delighted if you could join DWF Link (Liverpool) at the forthcoming canal clean up. 

Event details

Please join us on Thursday 15th August for the DWF Link (Liverpool) Canal Clean. We will meet at 15.00 at the Leeds Liverpool Canal and finish at 17.00 before making our way to the DWF Liverpool office for networking and refreshments.  

We hope to see you there. 

Sign up here


  • Meet: 15.00 Leeds Liverpool Canal
  • Walk: 15.50 – 17.00
  • Networking and refreshments: 17.00, DWF Liverpool Office

DWF Link is a global initiative that is driven by a group of passionate colleagues who are focussed on creating opportunities to bring together professionals from all industries and sectors to help build their business networks. For more, please visit: DWF Link Early Careers Network

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