At DWF, we regularly run free training webinars providing public sector clients and strategic suppliers with practical non-contentious and contentious advice. Watch previous webinars on demand today.
This webinar provided early practical guidance on how to conduct a lawful evaluation of bids that satisfied the requirements of the 2023 Act.
Within this webinar, we asked how we can ensure that our document preparation remains compliant with the 2023 Act while also being efficient and transparent.
This webinar provided practical advice on the main impacts that affected both Contracting Authorities and economic operators.
Watch the latest webinar from our Public Sector 2025 series.
This webinar covered the key litigation changes arising from the introduction of the 2023 Act.
Watch our latest webinar recording from our Public Procurement team.
Throughout the government sector there are a range of Contract Templates available, including the Model Services Contract, Mid-Tier Contract and Public Sector Contract.
The Procurement Act 2023 will come into force in October 2024 and this webinar provided early practical guidance on how to deliver complex regeneration projects under the 2023 Act.
This session covered what notices, reports and assessment summaries need to be prepared in order to conduct a procurement that complies with the obligations in the Procurement Act 2023.
In this webinar, DWF's public procurement experts, Simon Harris and Ciaran Wells, delivered a practical guide on how contracting authorities should approach direct awards under the current public procurement regime, including the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.