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The challenge of keeping a pulse on sweeping regulatory changes

06 February 2023
Rules and regulations for conducting business are constantly being developed—sometimes daily. Organisations need to implement a robust regulatory compliance program to identify, map, and monitor regulations.

New rules and regulations for conducting business are constantly being developed—sometimes daily—both domestically and globally.

Organisations need to identify, map, and monitor these regulations by implementing a robust regulatory compliance program to engage with regulators and ward off fines, remediation costs, and reputational damage.

With increased regulatory scrutiny and an unprecedented volume of state, federal, and international regulations to comply with, businesses have started re-examining how they identify, interpret, and continuously monitor the flood of regulations they need to comply with. In this ever-evolving regulatory landscape, implementing a sustainable compliance program while addressing increasing costs has proved to be a daunting task for compliance divisions across industries.

Mindcrest ’s regulatory survey, mapping, and change management solution is purpose-built to solve this problem. The team aggregates regulatory information by conducting surveys using multiple sources, including over 1,500 individual websites, agency and regulators’ updates, subscription databases and publicly available sources of information across 140 countries. 


For further information contact Vishal Anand & Timothy O'Brien 


About Mindcrest (part of the DWF Group)

Mindcrest  was founded in 2001 as the world’s first “pure play” legal outsourcing business.  Its core strategy is to produce high quality work, continuous process improvement and innovative pricing models.  They focus and invest in training and education and creating the right work culture, to produce the best attorney teams. 

Mindcrest's client base is comprised of large global corporations and law firms.  They support clients in multiple geographies through the Best Shore deployment of attorneys from delivery centers in the US, UK and India. They have developed a document review process and QC methodology, the Mindcrest Method, that produces high quality with efficiency. 

Discover more about Mindcrest 

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