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Brave New Law: Maintaining your social licence to operate in a crisis

14 March 2024

Our guest panel of General Counsel from a range of sectors discuss 'maintaining your social licence to operate in a crisis', explore fundamental learnings and ensure you are prepared for when an inevitable crisis hits.

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Today crisis situations unfold more quickly and increase exponentially. It’s no longer just a matter of staying on the right side of law, but how this plays out in the court of public opinion and whether you can maintain your social licence to operate during a crisis. Our last Brave New Law in-person event focused on this this topic via an interactive workshop with leading General Counsel and in-house lawyers.

This webinar recording features some of the leading General Counsel who participated in that workshop, who share their thoughts on how you ensure you maintain your social licence to operate during a crisis – and what the key roles the General Counsel and their team play in this. 

This can be a challenging time for General Counsel and their teams as considerable pressure can be brought to bear on them if the messaging is uncomfortable for those who are leading the business. Additional dimensions include the ethicability and management of unintended consequences of critical decisions, the importance of enabling support systems and addressing the depth and breadth of different stakeholder groups' ideas and viewpoints when handling a crisis.

The discussion was  chaired by Dr. Catherine McGregor, author and executive coach.



If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us at BraveNewLaw@dwf.law 

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