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Webinar recording - Duty of Candour Review

25 September 2024

The recently published Infected Blood Inquiry Report, coupled with the ongoing evidence being heard at the Horizon Post Office Inquiry continue to spark debate, mostly recently seen at Prime Minister's Question time and also in debates in the House of Lords, upon the principle of candour and why institutions appear to close ranks in the midst of scandals or tragedies.

It is increasingly being argued that the duty of candour is a now crucial legal requirement to promote an open and transparent culture in not just health and social care, but wider public and quasi public organisations. The Hillsborough Charter seeks to prioritize public interest over reputation and, whilst some may deem it to be comprehensive, a large part of it is voluntary. Do those organizations who have signed it really buy into it?

In this webinar our experts discussed how the proposed Public Authority (Accountability) Bill ("the Bill") will enable victims to rely upon a statutory duty of candour on the part of public authorities and how it could create an offence if the duty is breached. As well as, how the needs for extended duty of candour are growing and it is likely that following the general election if Sir Keir Starmer has his way, a statutory duty could be incoming.

Watch our webinar recording


Further Reading