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Internal Capital Adequacy and Risk Assessment (ICARA)

regulatory  consulting

MIFIDPRU investment firms can expect to face increased regulatory scrutinty as the Investment Firm Prudential Regime (IFPR) and ICARA regime matures, with mixed practices and standards of implementation in place across the industry.  

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Why work with our Internal Capital Adequacy and Risk Assessment (ICARA) team?

MIFIDPRU investment firms can expect to face increased regulatory scrutinty as the Investment Firm Prudential Regime (IFPR) and ICARA regime matures, with mixed practices and standards of implementation in place across the industry.  

In its 2023/24 Business Plan, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) stressed the importance of financial resilience in reducing the harm from firm failure. As ICARA is an important enabler to financial resilience, this is clearly a regulatory imperative, albeit with mixed standards of compliance in the industry, as evidenced by the two rounds of IFPR Implementation Observations published by the FCA in February and November 2023. This trend will likely only become more apparent as the FCA "ups the ante" on Supervisory Review and Evaluation (SREP) visits in the coming 12-24 months. 

Our Regulatory Consulting and dedicated Wealth Management Regulatory Teams form part of our wider integrated legal services offering and our clients chose to work with them in the IFPR / ICARA space for the following reasons:

How we can help you

Our Regulatory Consutling and dedicated Wealth Management Regulatory Teams are flexible in creating tailored solutions in the IFPR / ICARA space to align to our client's needs. We take a collaborative approach to working with our clients to provide a personalised level of service. Examples of where they have been able to add value include:

  1. Executive and board training on the ICARA process;
  2. Workshops on bespoke aspects, including K-Factors, Wind-down planning, reverse / stress testing or regulatory reporting of MIF templates; 
  3. Pre-SREP visit preparation;
  4. Diagnostic review of previous year's document ahead of the annual refresh cycle;
  5. End-to-end drafting of the document, leveraging our best-practice templates versus the MIFIDPRU Sourceboook; 
  6. Review and recommend' of ICARA document with formal reporting on enhancements to the ICARA document; 
  7. Transactional support in reviewing historical and future compliance with MIFIDPRU; and
  8. Wider sectoral support support from the Wealth Management Regulatory Sector team, as well as drawing-down on the specialist knowledge of our Insolvency and Restructuring Team for operational planning purposes.

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